Chandranath Hill (চন্দ্রনাথ পাহাড়)

Chandranath Hill (চন্দ্রনাথ পাহাড়)

Introduction Chandranath Hill

Chandranath Hill (চন্দ্রনাথ পাহাড়) is 4 km from Chittagong’s Sitakunda Bazaar. A hill to the east is a very popular trekking route for visitors. The height of Chandranath Pahar is approximately 1020 feet. There are 2 routes to climb Chandranath Pahar. The road to the right is almost all stairs and the road to the left is all hilly, with some good stairs. The path on the left is easier to go up and the stairs on the right are easier to go down, but you can use the path as you wish.

After about 1 hour to 1.5 hours trek, you will see Sri Sri Virupaksha Temple. Every year a special pooja is performed in this temple on Shivratri or Shivratudashi Tithi. A huge fair is held in Sitakunda around this puja. Hindus living in Sitakunda Chandranath Pahar area organize a big fair every year in Bengali Falgun month (English February-March month). Which is known as Shivarbhudarshi Mela. In this fair, many saints from different countries of the world including Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Thailand. And men and women join.

150 feet away from Birupaksha Temple is Chandranath Temple which is located on top of Chandranath Hill. About 100 feet of this 100 foot road you have to climb up a steep hill where it is very difficult to hold yourself. Standing at the top of Chandranath Hill, you can see the ocean on one side and the solitude of the mountains on the other. You will be fascinated looking at the green trees of the high and low mountains. The eyes will be filled with peace.

How to reach Chandranath Pahar?

Dhaka to Syedabad Bus Station with AC, Non-AC bus discounts, comfortable and reliable service is good.
S.Alam, Saudia, Greenline, Silk Line, Sohag, Baghdad Eragress, Unique etc. All buses stop at Sitakunda. Buses from Chittagong leave from Motherbari, Kadmatoli bus stations. Apart from that, some small cars leave the ornaments. Locally known as Meruri) (all of them come from Fara).

Besides, the fast train from Dhaka ‘Dhaka Mail’ stops at Sitakund, it leaves Dhaka at 11 pm and reaches Sitakund at 6.30 am to 7 am the next day. Other inter-city trains go directly to Chittagong. Stops at Sitakunda only during Shivratudashi fair.

CNG (20/- per person) from Sitakunda Bazar. Will drop you at the entry gate of the mountain. Trekking starts from here.

It usually takes an hour and a half to reach the top of the hill.
From Chittagong city, you can go around by CNG auto rickshaw on your own initiative as a family. The fare will be 2000 to 300 taka.

where will you stay

There are few residential hotels of good quality in Sitakunda raw market area and area adjacent to Sitakunda police station among which Hotel Kompot Zone, Valsa, New Saudia, Saudia, Simon are notable. Hotel Kompot Zone, Jalsa, New Saudia is relatively new and San Bolo. Their rent is between AC double bed-1000 taka and non-ac between taka 500-700.

Apart from this, Chittagong city has a good system of residential hotels and motels of different quality and prices for those who want to stay in Chittagong city. Apart from this, there are accommodation facilities to stay in Sitakunda or Bhatiari. Names and addresses of some budget hotels are given below. These are all quality but low budget hotels.

  1. Hotel Paramount, Station Road, Chittagong Just Opposite New Train Station This is the best budget hotel in our opinion. Beautiful location, spacious corridor (not even five star hotel has such a big corridor. Rooms are also good. Rent Non AC Single Tk 800, Bhabal Tk 1300, AC Tk 1400 and Tk 1800. For Booking: 031-2856771, 0171-3248708.
  2. Hotel Asian SR, Station Road, Chittagong: This is also a very nice hotel. Chimcham, Parish Hotel Rent: Non AC: Tk 1000, Non AC single. AC: 1725 Tk. For booking – 01711-889000.
  3. Hotel Safina, Enayet Bazar, Chattam. A family-friendly mid-range hotel with a nice rooftop restaurant. You won’t want to come if you sit in the sea at night. Rent: Rs 700 to Guru AC Rs 1300. For booking – 031-0614004.
  4. Hotel Saba Inn, Road 5, Plot-60, 4.R Nizam Road, Chittagong. A slightly more expensive hotel. But ideal for those who want to stay in Nasirabad/O R Nizam Road area. Rent: Tk 2000/3000. Booking Contact – 01705 064382.
  5. Hotel Landmark, 3072 Sheikh Mujib Road, Agrabad, Chittagong: Good hotel to stay in Agrabad. Rent-2300/3400 Tk. For Booking: 0182-0141995, 01731-886997.

Some useful things to keep in mind

  •  Do not take bamboo sticks while climbing the mountain, sell them for 20 rupees, if you return them, you will get 10/- back.
  •  Do not climb the mountain with any heavy bags or belongings. (There is a shop where you can keep bags for money next to where you buy Bash.
  • 8 There is sufficient supply of food and water in the stomach, so there is no point in pulling it up from the bottom. (More food available now including water, coke, cucumber, carrot, malta, banana. Price is 5/- more than normal price. Level 8 is a lot of dust.
  • The whole body will start shaking. So get up slowly. Don’t rush. Enough. Keep a cool head.
  • It is better not to climb this hill in monsoon or after rain.

histor of Chandranath Hill

Chandranath Hill, located in Bangladesh, holds historical significance both in terms of religious beliefs and cultural heritage. Here’s a brief overview of its historical background.

Religious Significance

Chandranath Hill holds significance for followers of both Hindu and Buddhist religions. According to Hindu beliefs, Chandranath, a deity associated with the moon, is believed to reside in this location. Many pilgrims visit the hill every year, especially during the Chandranath fair held in the month of Falgun (February-March).

Buddhist Heritage

Chandranath Hill holds importance in the history of Buddhism. In the 10th century AD, the well-known Buddhist scholar Atisha Dipankar Srijnan is believed to have meditated on this hill during his visit to Bengal.

Colonial Era

During the British colonial period, Chandranath Hill served as a strategic location. The British built roads and infrastructure around the hill for administrative and military purposes.

Cultural Significance

Chandranath Hill has been the subject of various folk tales, songs, and poems in Bengali literature. Its picturesque beauty and religious significance have inspired artists and writers throughout history.

Pilgrimage Site

Every year, especially during the Chandranath Fair held in the Bengali month of Chaitra (March-April), thousands of devotees from different religious backgrounds flock to the hill to participate in religious rituals and seek blessings.

Archaeological Sites

The hill is dotted with a variety of archaeological sites, including ancient temples and monasteries, some of which date back to the 8th century. These sites are evidence of the region’s diverse cultural past.

Modern Significance

Today, Chandranath Hill continues to attract pilgrims, tourists, and researchers interested in exploring its religious, historical, and archaeological significance.

Chandranath Hill stands as a symbol of the rich tapestry of cultures and traditions that have thrived in the region over the centuries, making it an integral part of Bangladesh’s historical heritage.


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